Effortless Customer Relationship

Effortlessly manage client relationships with our user-friendly CRM system. We centralize customer data, automate tasks, and ensure customized interactions for smooth communication, real-time updates, and mobile accessibility.

Simplified Client Engagement

Enhance client communication with our CRM system, featuring organized data and a user-friendly interface. Centralizing client information simplifies engagement, reduces repetitive tasks, and ensures effective communication.

User-Friendly CRM Solutions

Empower growth with our user-friendly CRM system. Simplify customer relationship management, optimize workflows, and boost productivity. Navigate easily with our user-focused support.

Effortlessly manage client relationships
with our user-friendly CRM system. We
centralize customer data, automate tasks,
and ensure customized interactions for
smooth communication, real-time updates,
and mobile accessibility.

Effortless Customer

Simplified Client

Enhance client communication with our
CRM system, featuring organized data and
a user-friendly interface. Centralizing client
information simplifies engagement, reduces
repetitive tasks, and ensures effective

CRM Solutions

Empower growth with our user-friendly
CRM system. Simplify customer relationship
management, optimize workflows, and boost
productivity. Navigate easily with our
user-focused support.

Weblook CRM
SAPTIVO Customer Relationship Management software (CRM) logo. The SAPTIVO CRM system aids businesses in organizing customer data, tracking interactions, and automating tasks. This enables businesses to attain a comprehensive understanding of their customers, provide personalized services, and make well-informed decisions.

Build Strong

Customer Relationships

Innovation → Automation → Efficiency

How Our CRM Works

Introducing our web-based CRM software solution, your ultimate companion in navigating the complexities of customer relations.

Lead Management

Simplify your lead management process with our modern features. Effortlessly capture, automate, and identify leads, ensuring that no potential opportunity slips away. Our software simplifies the difficult task of organizing and filtering leads, allowing your team to focus on building meaningful connections. From initial contact to conversion, our Lead Management feature ensures a smooth journey, allowing your business to succeed in a highly competitive market.


Innovation → Automation → Efficiency

Accessible, Convenient & Manageable

Today’s sales teams need to communicate, collaborate, and do their best work from anywhere, even sitting across the globe. Our CRM’s remote ready features will let you keep in touch with prospects and leads while working remotely.

Conduct presentations and meetings from within your CRM. Organize webinars, convert attendees to leads, and get webinar reports, all within your CRM.

Keep track of your KPIs, compare sales performance across teams, and turn your sales objectives into achievable targets by accessing your analytics dashboards on the go.

Host a one on one session or a meeting with several participants, with crystal clear audio, video, and high-quality screen sharing. Keep everyone on the same page, even on the go.

Innovation → Automation → Efficiency

Transform Your Website Through Innovative CRM Integration

CRM integration provides a comprehensive set of tools to improve customer connections and simplify operations, making it an essential tool for business growth and efficiency. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solutions can be easily integrated into your company website to provide important customer data reorganization, deep behavioral insights, and customized interactions. Consequently, this leads to a more advanced comprehension of your customer base, which in turn allows focused advertising campaigns as well as personalized customer service.

Additionally, the automation features included in the integration with CRM reduce manual activities, giving your team more time to concentrate on strategic projects and innovative projects. As a result, technology and customer-centric strategies work in perfect balance to create a more responsive and flexible corporate environment that is well-positioned for long-term success in the fast-paced market of today.

Innovation → Automation → Efficiency

Why is it Important to Have a 360 Degree View of Your Customers?

In today’s competitive market, a 360-degree view of customers is crucial for business success. Understanding behaviors, interests, and interactions creates a foundation for sustainable growth.

With a 360-degree view, businesses can personalize customer experiences by analyzing data from various sources including, social media, online interactions and purchase history. This personalization promotes a customer-focused approach by aligning goods, services, and marketing to individual preferences.

Innovation → Automation → Efficiency

Our CRM System is Designed to Meet the Unique Needs of Every Industry

Experience better efficiency and productivity with our customized CRM solutions designed specifically for your sector. We customize our system to meet the unique needs of each industry, optimizing processes and providing personalized customer interactions. 

Advertising & Marketing

Effortlessly handle clients, monitor campaigns, manage leads, and analyze performance

Financial Services

Optimize financial operations, manage client relationships, and gain data-driven insights.

Real Estate

Navigate the market, simplify property listings, and manage client relationships easily.


Enhance productivity, manage customer interactions, and implement targeted marketing strategies efficiently.


Boost patient care, organize records, and ensure an interconnected and productive healthcare environment.


Improve customer relations, plan services, and simplify communication for a pleasurable experience.


Facilitate administrative procedures, enhance academic communication, and improve overall educational processes.

Innovation → Automation → Efficiency


Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a system that helps businesses effectively manage their interactions with both existing and potential customers. It’s essential for your website, as it simplifies communication, enhances the customer experience, and improves overall business efficiency.

Our CRM system prioritize the security of sensitive customer data. By implementing strong security measures, our system aims to provide a safe environment for storing and managing valuable customer information. This includes the use of advanced data encryption techniques, access controls to restrict unauthorized access, and regular security updates to address potential vulnerabilities.

CRM is essential for improving customer interactions through a number of ways. Businesses can take a more personalized approach by gaining an in-depth view of every consumer through the centralization of customer data. Our CRM systems provide businesses with useful data that enables them to customize interactions according to individual preferences and behaviors, creating a stronger bond.

Our CRM system is essential for monitoring and evaluating client interactions and giving businesses valuable information on the preferences and behaviors of their customers. Businesses can obtain in-depth knowledge of the customer journey, from the point of initial contact to ongoing interactions, using the wide range of information that our CRM records.

Our CRM system helps improve your understanding of your clients. It provides a full 360-degree view of your customers by organizing customer data and interactions. This involves their communication history, engagement patterns, preferences, and past purchases.

CRM systems prioritize the security of sensitive customer data. By implementing strong security measures, these systems aim to provide a safe environment for storing and managing valuable customer information. This includes the use of advanced data encryption techniques, access controls to restrict unauthorized access, and regular security updates to address potential vulnerabilities. As a result, businesses can have confidence that their customer data is handled with the utmost care and in compliance with the highest security standards.

Yes, our CRM system is customizable, allowing you to customize it to meet your unique needs and make it function according to you business workflows and processes. Our CRM system is designed to be flexible. You can easily modify it to match your specific business practices, promoting a smoother and more simple user experience. Our CRM system allows you to add custom fields, modify data structures, and implement specific functionalities catered to your business needs. 

Yes, our CRM system helps identify sales opportunities by analyzing customer data, tracking behaviors, and managing leads, ensuring that no potential opportunity is missed. Our CRM system examines customer data to understand interactions, preferences, and behaviors in order to spot potential sales possibilities. It tracks customer behaviours and activity, keeping you informed about their interests and allowing you to identify possible leads. Our CRM system also efficiently handle leads, guaranteeing systematic tracking and follow-up for each and every possible opportunity.


Innovation → Automation → Efficiency

Join us on a clientele journey from LEAD to LOYALTY

If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost, that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them. You’ve already got a great business, but you need a support structure to keep it standing and a strong, scalable CRM will exactly do that for you.

If you want to know more about how CRM can transform your business, do connect with us!

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